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Monstar Creation 


There are two ways you can start creating characters 


A. Create a character based on the room that you put in. 
1. It'll open yourselves to be versatile, but it's a singular vision of creating, you have a character for every room, each being 100% from one another different as an actor. Being a function that randomly can be put anywhere. Each character is their own life.
B. Create a character that can be Universal that can fit in any room or situation.    

1. It'll open yourselves to be versatile, but it's a vision of creating that has its story narrative that connects, you have a character for every room and haunt that has weight, each being 100% different and evolving without forgetting the roots. Fitting in anywhere it needs to and not having to kill what you started. In a way, your character is playing parts, chapters of his/her/their life. 

2. Model your character  

A. Choose a name 


 1- Simple to say, Simple to remember

If you doing multiple characters or a universal one,
If you can't say your name or even respond to it. 
It should be like your own name everything should feel natural about who you are is.. You.


  2 Choose a name appropriate for the theme and time period. But if your Univeral character name doesn't fit 100% have a nickname that does fit, You are Robert Kane, The Caretaker, or Zignut the Clown ect, Address yourself as The Caretaker or Zignut the Clown, but storywise your still Robert Kane, and it's mixing traits of the past to your present that connects everything. That way if a customer remembers you from the past, You don't have dumb them, saying no I'm someone else. Again creating a Universe where you can be anything to fit what is needed, you're not struggling to find an excuse that your not the same person. You ARE the same person, you just have many sides of who you are.. Universally building connections. 

B. Quirky Mannerisms (Boiler Room worker, walk with a hitch ect..) 


Use the room to add things, No matter what character you are creating adding a movement sells who you are and what you are selling that's real. Now with a Universal character, you can pass traits from 1 persona to the next, keeping continuity but adding things that fit with the costume and room, but keeping it familiar adding layers and dimensions. It's like an easter egg in a film only fans would notice. 

3. Back story (Be creative you can have it short and sweet or a novel. Also keep in mind the theme, and time period ect..) 


 1-Universal characters can add chapters to the novel. There are no rules to how creative you can be. You can change but what keeps you.. you is the actor. 

4. What does he/she look like?


 1- Where you should look like you fit into your room, making it define your creation. If there are two Gravediggers they should look different. This is why I don't like when owners just wanna toss random costumes on their actors because it's boring. Make something that defines that Gravedigger to you. No one on earth looks alike 100%, Everyone has their style. It shouldn't look like a costume, or gimmick, or should feel like an act. Go detailed. Unique. 


2 Helpful guides


  A. Review photos of similar areas, time periods, situations, and characters.   
  B. Clothes (Goodwill is your friend, go online and by things, Costume stores are very generic so depending what you want.


  c. Layers based on the room climate and keep it within your theme, Wear clothes/costumes appropriate with the room.  "How often do you look at another man's shoes?" ALLWAYS! Keep them comfortable and character appropriate. You can always add or subtract.


   3. Hair (Fizzy, Long, wigs, Mohawk, bald ect. This is a very easy way to stand out and reflect the emotional state of the creature)     


   4. GENDER BENDER! Don't be afraid to play the other sex. 

It's very off-putting to most and a good in for entertaining. 

Universal characters can do this as well, "A big wolf can dress like a Grandma enjoy a Red riding hood meal", Remember no rules to what you build. 


E. How does he/she think?


        1. Is the creature unstable? What are its triggers?
        2. Hate the world?
        3. Just want to escape the nightmare it's in?
        4. Can it break the 4th wall? (directly interact with the audience aware of modern happenings)
F. How does he/she talk?


(angry/sexy/sad/gibberish/ascent) If he/she doesn't talk?... 

        1. Use a voice that won't exhaust you. You'll be doing this for hours on end for t least a month. 

And if you are a Univeral Character add how each room or haunt changes you, keeping what carries on through any change, and how this affects he/she/they as time does change us in life. It affects who you are, how you speak, moves, and present yourself.

        2. Use an accent that is hard to identify. This will avoid any awkward encounters with someone actually from that country. 


        3. Be creative with what you say. (Never say help me/save me)


       4. What can make you stand out?


G. Do you want to stand out?


        1. I get told this doesn't matter to actors, So why are you wearing a costume... The best characters are larger than life. We have a community where anyone can make a wave, I did, anyone can be from 5 years old to 90 years old. Any character should come from the inside of you, The inner Monstar. "Actors matter", Owners and management shouldn't force anyone to sign contracts where the actors get no say and no way to keep their creations or own their likeness. It should be a contract stating you can use my likeness and my creations for any use you want, but I can use them too. To ignore someone's resume on any work is quite dumb as an employer. Have a middle ground out of mutual respect. A Team is strong when they are happy, use your experience to guide, history of a community only grows with understanding the past. Not getting in the way of young or new talent growing, BUT not being dumb disrespecting a person's past. Work together for a creative future. 


I often felt to hiring actors or any talent
Have them bring headshots
A resume if they have one
Have workshops
Get everyone motivated as a team
if they have a character or universal character 
Use that if it doesn't quite fit, work with that person. 
Create websites, social media sites, and pages
Create youtube
 vibes, and Twitch channels, and even use your creations as a brand name. 

Be Profesional

  2. Choose props wisely. Too big and you will never be able to sneak up. Too small is just plain embarrassing. 6. Don't let others down this is your creativity, and you are the star of your room, The room lights are your spotlights give people a show that is worth the price of admission in the 5 seconds that they are in your room.  There are no limits to your creativity and promote your creature shamelessly. 


7. Have fun. If you're not having fun, why do it?     
Many will try ruining your fun, Halloween is 365!!!
Don't let someone break your soul, Don't do it for money, and Let your passion be your character.

Teaching with great people like Jim Millspaugh, Terry Rook, Dan Leopold, and many others. It's Experience that you need but it's the newbie person and excitement that you need yearly, Real life is what it is. But without heart, it can affect your team. 






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